Wednesday – What is it?

Ahhh Wednesday ……..the middle child. Wednesday is where we ask all the questions and hopefully get some answers.

I worked for 7 years on staff in a Mega Church in Melbourne as Production Director and Creative Director.  In planning meetings we would brainstorm about sermon series and topics that we should cover in the weekend services.

Question mark

Obviously there are only so many weeks in a year and there are topics that must be covered for spiritual formation and discipleship.  However, I would constantly be jumping up and down about topical and social issues.  Many topics were too ‘controversial’ for a weekend service and other teachings were seen as a priority and I totally get this.

I agree that often its hard to find a forum for these topics, or a leader brave or stupid enough to tackle them.  SO on Wednesdays we will look at topics that you may not often hear spoken about from a church pulpit.

Issues Letterpress
What does it mean?

With no fear of offending the right or disappointing the left, to the best of my ability and with the resources and contacts that I have we will look at topics such as:

Abuse, Addictions, Anxiety, Culture, Crystals, Mental Illness, Domestic Violence, Homosexuality, Asylum Seekers, Islam, Feminism, Sexuality, Blended Families, Feminism, Grief, Cults……………….
You get the picture!

How do we or how should we respond to and answer these topics if they are rarely discussed?  Do we even have an opinion and if so where did it come from? If no-one helps us start a conversation how do we ever form a theory or opinion?   It is so important that we investigate why we think the way that we do?  Education on these issues is critical if we are to be effective in being the hands and feet of Jesus.  Please remember that this is a blog forum.  It is here to showcase many different thoughts and opinions.  It is vital that we gain perspective, hear the story and heart of others and look at topics from different angles.

If we hope to live with understanding and have compassion with those in our lives and communities, we have to take the time to search for the answers and to not be afraid of the hard topics.

“A fool takes no pleasure in understanding,

but only in expressing his opinion.”

Prov 18:2

If you have a particular topic or concern that you would like considered for this forum, please let me know and I will do my best to research it or point you in the right direction.

Recommended Reading:

Tony Campolo:  Speaking my Mind

Fifteen years ago, Tony Campolo’s 20 Hot Potatoes That Christians Are Afraid to Touch pushed, pulled, and prodded Christians into serious consideration of controversial but critical issues related to the Christian life. Campolo challenged his more than 150,000 readers to re-think their convictions (and prejudices) and to do something about them!
Dubbed by Christianity Today as “the positive prophet” and “a ferocious critic of Christians left and right,” Campolo lives up to his reputation in this latest book examining some of today’s toughest questions and issues:

  • Is evangelical Christianity anti-feminist?
  • Is our affluent lifestyle at odds with our faith?
  • Is America really in moral decline?
  • Is capitalism a God-ordained system?
  • Is Islam really an evil religion?
  • Should Christian parents pull their kids out of public schools?
  • Was the war with Iraq a “just” war?
  • These questions, and more!

Speaking My Mind…Tony Campolo at his best.

4 Comments on “Wednesday

  1. There are emerging questions that traditional answers no longer satisfy. In some situations it may require us to go through a time of unlearning as old ‘shibboleths’ are deeply questioned. For Christians this is a time for courage, and to be brave enough to ask the questions that the more timid amongst us keep putting into the ‘too hard basket’.

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