Life is busy and complicated. 
For one reason or another you may not be attending a church on a regular basis. You may be doing shift work, you may be suffering a set back or an illness but you still want to be refreshed spiritually.  It could be that you feel disenfranchised or disillusioned with Christianity and church life. 
“Sunday Everyday” is a place where you can connect with God, hear about topics not often discussed from a pulpit, join in the forums, stay in touch with other leaders, artists and wisdom seekers.

It is also a blog that tracks my journey from being a solid member of organised religion to dwelling in a space that offers more freedom, grace and acceptance.    I no longer live in a space of certainty.  I am more able to hold spaces of suffering and change.  Liminality becomes a welcome threshold of transition instead of a shocking trauma of change or fear.

You are welcome here no matter what space you are in.


12 Comments on “About

  1. I am enjoying each day and have no favourite yet .It makes me think .I look forward to the next day thank you


  2. Hi Lisa,
    I like your website and it certainly resonates with me.

    I’m not sure if you have heard about the Christian mum who has a website called “Just Because He Breathes” which is about a family’s journey finding out about and walking with their gay son. I thought you may be interested..



    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Rachael, I finally got around to watching this video that you recommended. Oh my lord. So moving and emotional I almost stopped breathing. They are such excellent communicators. Thank you for sharing this link. I am very grateful. xxx Love Lisa.


  3. Congratulations Lisa
    Thoughtful discourse about real world issues and what connects
    humanity…. Look forward to more

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Very promising, Lisa. What a creative idea! Look forward to what’s to come. After all, who wouldn’t like it to be “Sundayeveryday” !?…

    Liked by 1 person

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