Tuesday Talks

On Tuesdays I will be interviewing or posting thoughts from people from all walks of life.  Those who think differently, who look at the world differently.  What do they think about the world around them?  What are their hopes for this nation, for their families for their friends?.

I believe that it is very important that we get to hear the thoughts of people who are  different to us. Those with bigger minds, bigger hearts.  Until we walk a mile in someone else’s shoes we can never really understand why they think the way that they do.  What has happened to cause them to see the world so differently.  We so easily get trapped in our own mindsets.  By being open to the thoughts and conversations of others we begin to see the world in a different light.  We gain perspective.  We become appreciative of different cultures, different lenses and the reasons behind those opinions.

“Private feelings are our form of truth today, a kind of ultimate self absorption…You see this on talk shows: You realise those people have never read, studied, prayed or listened to anybody except there own tyrannical feelings. Yet they think they have a right for their uninformed opinions on the welfare system or religion or warfare.”

Richard Rohr -Hope Against Darkness

Yes, we all have our own opinions, our own bias, our own conspiracies. It is vital that we listen to greater minds, greater souls, greater hearts.  Its important that we are encouraged to think outside the box, outside our small communities and experiences.  That we listen to the people worth listening to, worth talking to.

Let me know if there is someone you would really like me to interview or a topic that you would like me to cover and I will endeavor to get them onto Tuesday Talks.

Leave a Reply I would really love to hear from you and I'm sure that others would be interested in your thoughts.